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Give Back App

4.8 ( 3808 ratings )
Utvecklare: Project Giving Kids, Inc.

– from those that help animals to those that help the homeless. Do some good. Track your hours. Score points and see your impact grow. And did we mention the cute avatars?


Growing list of ~250 service opportunities - primarily in Boston, SF Bay Area / Silicon Valley, and Greater LA (PGK’s main service areas). New content and opps coming online all the time!

Offers activities that can also be done from anywhere, making it a great service tracking tool for teens in any other US area.

Track and store all service hours in one place – does not have to be a PGK partner org

Search by location, cause, duration, activity type and more

Follow causes and organizations so you easily find new opportunities and info

Includes monthly challenges to keep it fresh

Share your good with others through embedded social and email